Saturday, September 28, 2013

Menton by the sea

Arriving in Menton was like being back home. It was warm, sunny and was near the beach! The moment we stepped off the train there was a feeling of relief "okay now THIS is a vacation!!"
The beginning of our trip, (save for a few really great moments), felt a little more like work than vacationing.
Between finding our next place to stay, not speaking the language and wandering around with a map in hand (cell phone data packages are hard to come by), it was a little tougher than we expected. We also got our first fine... we violated a rule about filling out our rail pass, and had to pay the conductor a 25 euro fine on the train... No warnings for us!  Straight to the fine.
Once we stepped off the train, we called hotel after hotel until we finally settled with Princess et Richmond hotel, located right on the water on the main strip of Menton, France.
It was so nice to finally be able to check into a hotel and sit on the beach! Yay.
We spent the rest of the days eating at waterfront restaurants on the boardwalk, walking around tiny cobblestone streets and even rented a scooter one day.  We saddled up early one morning and got to drive through 4 different towns including tiny Eze and Monte Carlo.  Eze was our favorite, like a little island-castle-maze.  Walking paths so small that potbellied tourists had to do-si-do to allow each other to pass without bumping Nikons.  Tiny shops with handmade trinkets and local candies, candles and dresses.  It was really interesting. Its a far cry from bustling Monte Carlo, with Prada, Cartier, Chanel and Louis Vuitton playing bookend to dozens of casinos.  There are more scooters in every Monte Carlo intersection than there were cobblestones in Eze.  Perhaps if our slot machine would have treated us kinder, we would have enjoyed Monte Carlo more, but for us Eze was the day's clear champion.

Menton itself was a beautiful little town, houses clinging to the cliffs, painted different shades of yellow.
It just made you feel warm and welcome.

Breakfast on the balcony!






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